What affirmations are -not-

What affirmations are -not-

Affirmations can get quite the backlash and I have heard some interesting comments. Let’s uncover what affirmations are NOT.

  1. Affirmations are NOT “woo-woo”. Affirmations are scientifically backed to have positive effects in your life. This is like someone saying movement, water, and fresh air for our bodies is “woo-woo”. No, there have been studies and researched delved into affirmations and the results are there.

  2. Affirmations do NOT get rid of your hard. This is important to remember. There is no quick and easy fix to get rid of your hard. Speaking affirmations do not magically get rid of a toxic environment or relationship. You still must process and figure out your hard or challenges you are facing. What affirmations do is assist in shifting your negative thoughts into positive ones so you can in turn gain confidence and self-empowerment to make the positive changes.

  3. They are NOT meant for everyone. Okay, they can be for everyone, but you must be willing to open up, embrace, and allow room for affirmations. The growth, confidence, and change will come if you allow space for it. If you think it is silly or hocus pocus, then you will not see receive the full benefits of affirmations.

  4. Affirmations are NOT ”I am great” “I am the best” “Life is amazing”. We are not trying to be self-centered or better than anyone. We are looking for growth. Affirmations are positive statements that help challenge negative thoughts. Challenge a negative thought like, “I am so bad at _____. I’m a failure” to “I am learning” or “I am learning and I give myself space and grace to learn and make mistakes.

  5. Affirmations are NOT instant success or results. I’m not sure there any quick fixes to making life changes that involve our mental and emotional state. The more we can empower and repeat affirmations to ourselves the more we start to believe them, the more we start to make positive changes.

  6. Affirmations are NOT one and done. When it comes to affirmations, you will find that the ultimate power lies with repeating them to ourselves daily and throughout our day. Affirmations are not a card to be drawn, read, and then put back in the box inside a drawer. They are meant to be displayed, repeated, and said out loud.

What do you think about these debunks? Have you heard or thought a certain way about affirmations in the past?

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