Not sure what Affirmation to pick?  Here are 3 questions to ask yourself

Not sure what Affirmation to pick? Here are 3 questions to ask yourself

Not sure what card to draw? You don’t really want to pick a random card and you’re not sure what is resonating with you right now?

Here are 3 questions to ask yourself when looking at your pile of affirmations 

  1. What do I need to hear right now? If I sat down for coffee or lunch with my best friend or mom, what would I need to hear them tell me?

  2. What am I struggling with right now? Even through our amazing weeks, it’s natural to still have some thoughts in the background nagging at us. What affirmation can you use to empower and encourage you through those negative thoughts?

  3. What kind of energy do I want to put out into the world today? Maybe you truly are feeling your best and we definitely have those days and weeks. If our cups feel full and positive, let’s shift our affirmations to those around us. Empower your family, friends, or coworkers. Choose an affirmation with these people in mind!

Which tip do you like the best? Which one will you try next? 

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